Is It Safe to Travel While Pregnant?

Is It Safe to Travel While Pregnant?

You've just found out that you're expecting a baby and now you want to travel. Whether this is for business, pleasure, or both, the question of safety looms large. As a pregnant woman, is it safe to travel?

Every woman's pregnancy journey is unique and different considerations come into play depending on your stage of pregnancy, the activities you are wanting to do while traveling, the type and length of your trip, and the resources available in your destination. There are some general guidelines that all pregnant women should follow when traveling, however.

In this article, we're going to help you understand the risks associated with traveling while pregnant and give you helpful advice and tips on how to safely travel while expecting. 

Understand the Risks of Traveling During Pregnancy

Traveling while pregnant can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. And it's important to know the facts about the safety risks that come with your decision to hit the road or fly off to a faraway destination.

It's important to understand how your body may react and how far along in your pregnancy. To ensure a safe journey, always consult with your doctor first. Different health issues, such as chronic medical conditions, may weigh in on whether it’s best to avoid unnecessary travel in certain cases.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that traveling while pregnant should not be taken lightly. It’s essential to prepare yourself for any unexpected problems that may arise, including complications like premature labor. Women who are more than 24 weeks pregnant are also advised against flying due to potential risks and cabin pressure changes during takeoff and landing.

Finally, never forget about packing a well-stocked medical kit for emergencies and seeking medical attention immediately if signs of danger or distress occur.

Precautions to Take When Flying During Pregnancy

First, check with your doctor to see if it is safe for you to travel and make sure you have any necessary paperwork. Make sure to drink plenty of water before, during and after your flight, as keeping hydrated is important for both you and your baby.

Wear comfortable clothes, with flat shoes as much as possible. Pack snacks in case you need a quick energy boost during transit. Move around every 30 minutes or so and use a mild combination of body wash and lotion before your journey.

Some light stretching in-flight can help a lot! This helps to reduce swelling which is common when flying. By taking these extra precautions when traveling while pregnant, you’ll be sure to get there in comfort and back home again safely!

Tips for Road Trips and Cruises During Pregnancy

If you're planning a road trip or cruise while pregnant, there are a few tips that may help make the trip more comfortable and safe.

Bring the Essentials

Making sure to have all the essentials with you is key to having a successful road trip while pregnant. Keep items like a maternity pillow, water bottle, snacks, and any medications you may need close at hand in your car. It's also important to make sure you take frequent breaks so you can rest and get some fresh air.

Don't Overdo It

One of the most important things to remember when traveling while pregnant is not to overdo it. When deciding on destinations, err on the side of caution, which is to make sure there are plenty of places for you to rest, and that regular meals are available throughout your day. Try to schedule less strenuous activities so that you are not overly exhausted by the end of the day.

Seek Medical Help If Necessary

Finally, one of the most important pieces of advice for pregnant travelers is to know when to get medical help. If you experience any sort of abdominal or pelvic pain or bleeding during your travels, seek medical attention immediately. 

When to Stop Traveling While Pregnant

As your pregnancy progresses, it's important to keep in mind that there may come a time when you need to stop traveling altogether. After all, your health and safety, as well as the safety of your unborn baby, should be a top priority.

  1. If you have any preexisting medical conditions such as hypertension or diabetes, your doctor may advise you to stop traveling after a certain point in your pregnancy.
  2. If you're pregnant with multiple babies, like twins or triplets, you may need to stop traveling once you reach 28 weeks of pregnancy.
  3. If labor begins unexpectedly during a trip, be aware of the nearest hospitals and clinics with obstetric services.
  4. Your doctor can provide medical advice specific to your situation and let you know the best time to stop traveling while pregnant.

Managing Discomfort During Travel While Pregnant

Nobody likes feeling uncomfortable, and being pregnant makes it worse. That said, don't let discomfort stop you from traveling while pregnant if you have a go signal from your doctor. Here are some tips to help manage any discomforts that come up while you're on the go.

Get a Maternity Pillow

A pregnancy pillow can help make sleep much more comfortable while providing support for your back, hips and belly. Look for one with good support so you can keep hip and back pain at bay. 

Bring Along Supportive Footwear

Traveling puts a lot of stress on your feet, especially during pregnancy when all your additional weight needs support. Choose comfortable shoes with good ankle and arch support that you can easily slip on and off at airport security. This might be sandals or slip-ons during warm weather, or boots with low heels during cold weather months. 

Stay Well Hydrated and Nourished

Dehydration can become a problem quickly when you're on the move because air conditioning reduces humidity levels in airplanes or other modes of transportation. As we mentioned above, keep yourself properly hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day. Don’t forget to snack on healthy food as well! 

Key Considerations When Planning a Trip While Pregnant

When it comes to traveling while pregnant, safety is of utmost importance. Thankfully, there are some key considerations that can help you in making sure your trip is safe and comfortable.

Get clearance from your doctor

Before you set off on your adventure, make sure to get your doctor’s approval first. Your doctor will be able to assess any potential risks that come with the trip and provide advice on how you can protect yourself and baby.

Consider the risk of injury or infection

You should also consider the potential risks of injury or infection posed by the destination country or region, especially in regards to food-borne illnesses and mosquito bites. Ask your doctor for advice on what vaccines may be necessary, as well as any other precautions you should take. You should also think carefully about which activities may pose a risk during pregnancy. For example, adventurous sports such as rock climbing or skiing may not be suitable for a pregnant traveler.

Prepare for the journey

Make sure that you plan ahead for any medical emergencies that could arise during the trip and ensure that you have adequate medical insurance coverage for any unforeseen expenses. It’s also important to think about packing all medications (if applicable), as well as any items that will help ensure your comfort during long periods of travel such as special pillows or snacks.


Whether you're traveling for work or for pleasure, taking extra care during pregnancy is essential to ensure both yours and your baby's health. Taking the necessary precautions and being aware of possible risks can help you to make the most of your journey while staying safe. Enjoy your wanderlust while carrying a little extra cargo! 

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