Find Comfort During Sleep: Tips on Finding the Best Position for Pregnancy

Find Comfort During Sleep: Tips on Finding the Best Position for Pregnancy

With a bundle of joy on the way, you’ll soon find that finding a comfortable sleeping position can be difficult. The good news is that with some simple tips and tricks you can find the perfect spot for snoozing.

Being pregnant is no easy feat, and neither is figuring out how to sleep comfortably. As your body changes, so does the way it responds to different sleep positions. To make matters even more complicated, there are a lot of factors to consider when choosing the best position for pregnancy.

In this post, we will help you navigate sleep positions that are best for you and your little one. We will outline all the different factors you need to take into account and provide some helpful tips for finding a restful night’s sleep. Let’s dive in!

What Causes Positional Discomfort During Sleep During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy comes with many changes and quite a few challenges, especially when it comes to sleeping. One of the most common discomforts during pregnancy is positional discomfort during sleep. This can be caused by a number of factors, such as weight gain, hormonal changes, and increased pressure on your back and hips.

These physical changes can make it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position that will also provide adequate support for your changing body. The good news is that there are several sleep tips and tricks you can use to make sure that you’ve got the best position for pregnancy-related positional discomfort.

The Benefits of Using a Maternity Pillow

Did you know that using a maternity pillow can help make sleeping more comfortable during pregnancy? Not only does it provide support for your bump and back, but it can also reduce strain on your joints and improve circulation.

Using a maternity pillow is particularly beneficial for those suffering from positional discomfort. For example, if you're having trouble finding a comfortable position in bed when lying on your left side, a maternity pillow can help provide the extra support you need to stay in this recommended sleeping position for longer periods of time.

Here are some of the benefits you can reap from using a maternity pillow:

  • Reduces pain and discomfort in the joints, neck, and lower back
  • Supports your growing baby bump while giving extra comfort to your stomach muscles
  • Keeps the spine aligned, which can lead to less tossing and turning while sleeping
  • Helps maintain a comfortable body temperature by keeping you away from excess heat or wind drafts
  • Encourages good posture, which helps with digestion and keeps pressure off other parts of the body

How to Get Into the Best Sleeping Position for Pregnancy

Trying to find the best sleeping position for pregnancy can be a challenge. Pregnancy brings with it hormones, bodily changes and new aches and pains that can make it hard for you to find the right sleeping position.

Here are some tips for how to get into the best sleeping position for your pregnancy:

Try the Left Side

Most experts will agree that lying on your left side is one of the best positions to sleep in during pregnancy. Start by lying on your back or side and then lightly extend your legs. Then, move onto your left side, tucking your legs up slightly while supporting yourself with pillows between your knees and chest. This will help support you while allowing extra blood flow through the uterus.

Elevate Your Upper Body

Elevating your upper body with extra pillows can help ease pressure off of your lower back and other aches, allowing you to get comfortable faster. Place a pillow behind your upper back and neck to give that area some extra support while you sleep. This can also be helpful if you find yourself struggling with heartburn or any acid reflux during pregnancy.

Pay Attention To Your Legs

When trying to figure out how to get into the best sleeping position for pregnancy, pay attention to how you’re positioning your legs as well. Try not crossing them too tightly at the knees as it may affect blood circulation in that area. You can also place a pillow between your knees if you tend to move around a lot at night. This can help keep your hips aligned and alleviate any discomfort due to strain on those areas.

Other Simple Practices for Improving Sleep Quality During Pregnancy

Aside from finding the most comfortable sleep position during pregnancy, there are also a few other simple practices that can help you get a better night’s rest.

Avoid late night snacks 

Eating or drinking anything close to bedtime can cause indigestion and heartburn which can make it hard for you to settle in and get comfortable. Try to avoid any late night snacks at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.


Staying active during pregnancy is important for your health, as well as your baby’s. Low-impact activities like walking, swimming, or gentle stretching will help to relax your body and improve your sleep quality. Just make sure to talk with your doctor before starting any sort of exercise routine during pregnancy.

Take naps

Taking short naps during the day can be beneficial when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. Be careful not to nap too close to bedtime though, as it could negatively impact your ability to fall asleep at night.

Create a relaxing environment

Creating an environment that is conducive for sleeping is important for anyone who wants to get quality nighttime rest. During pregnancy this becomes even more vital due to all of the extra discomfort caused by increased weight gain and hormonal shifts. Invest in comfortable pillows, a maternity pillow, blankets, and temperature regulating sheets, which may help you stay cool throughout the night.

FAQs on Positional Discomfort During Sleep During Pregnancy

Finding a comfortable position during pregnancy can be a challenge. Here some FAQs on positional discomfort during sleep during pregnancy:

Question 1: I’m having trouble finding the right position and can’t sleep well. Can I take sleeping medicines for that? 

To put it simply: no, not really. Although your doctor may be able to prescribe a safe sleeping aid, there are currently no sleep aids that are specifically endorsed for use by pregnant women. There are more safe ways of fighting positional discomfort and difficulty sleeping such as drinking milk before bedtime, taking a shower or bath, and using a maternity pillow. 

Question 2: Are there any exercises or stretches to help reduce my positional discomfort?

Yes! Pregnancy-safe exercises, such as yoga and Pilates, as well as stretching and deep breathing can help to reduce tension in your muscles, relieve stress and make it easier for you to find a comfortable sleeping position.

Question 3: What are the benefits of different sleeping positions?

Sleeping on your left side is beneficial for your baby because it improves circulation to both mother and baby and allows for greater nutrient flow. It also keeps pressure off of your lower back and helps reduce acid reflux. Sleeping on your right side can be helpful if you suffer from kidney pain or back pain, but should be avoided if possible, since it restricts blood flow. 

Final Words

In conclusion, finding the right sleep position can be one of the best ways to reduce your nighttime discomfort during pregnancy. While you may not find the perfect position right away, trial and error can help you discover the most comfortable spot that helps you and your growing baby get the rest you both need.

To make sure your sleep is as comfortable and restful as possible, consider investing in a maternity pillow and making use of side-sleeping support and other props that can help you achieve better sleep. With the right position, you can rest easy knowing you and your baby are safe and secure.

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